Editor X Collaboration Suite
Editor X is an advanced creation platform for designers and web professionals. The platform combines cutting edge responsive design with smooth drag and drop. Our target audience were design agencies, so we wanted to build tools. that can help agencies streamline their creation process, keep their team aligned and stay connected through advanced real-time collaboration.

Active Collaborators
The avatars at the top of the canvas indicate who’s inside the editor with you. Click on an avatar to show the collaborator’s email address and what page they’re currently working on.

Collaborators In Dev Mode
Once a collaborator turns Dev Mode on, you’ll see these brackets appear beside their name. Multiple collaborators can open Dev Mode together, but only one person can edit the site code at one time. All others who enter Dev Mode afterwards, will be in Read Only mode.

Locating a Collaborator
From the Pages panel, you can see which page others are working on.

Following a Collaborator
Clicking an avatar at the top of your canvas will take you to the page and element this person is currently working on. The element will be highlighted according to the color of their avatar and their name will appear in the bottom left.

Add a comment for your teammates to see, formatting the text as needed and attaching files or images. You can either leave a general comment or mention someone (@) by tagging them.
If your feedback is related to a specific element on a page, select it and then write your comment. When a teammate clicks that comment, they get re-directed to see the element in question.